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ACL Anthology
- M. Williams, G. Chrysostomou and N. Aletras (2025). Self-calibration for Language Model Quantization and Pruning. NAACL
[pdf] - Y. Mu, M. Jin, X. Song and N. Aletras (2024). Enhancing Data Quality through Simple De-duplication: Navigating Responsible Computational Social Science Research. EMNLP
[pdf] - A. Yamaguchi, A. Villavicencio and N. Aletras (2024). An Empirical Study on Cross-lingual Vocabulary Adaptation for Efficient Language Model Inference. EMNLP Findings
[pdf] - G. Chrysostomou, Z. Zhao, M. Williams and N. Aletras (2024). Investigating Hallucinations in Pruned Large Language Models for Abstractive Summarization. TACL
[pdf] - M. Williams and N. Aletras (2024). On the Impact of Calibration Data in Post-training Quantization and Pruning. ACL
[pdf] - F. Tonolini, N. Aletras, J. Massiah and G. Kazai (2024). Bayesian Prompt Ensembles: Model Uncertainty Estimation for Black-Box Large Language Models. ACL Findings
[pdf] - Z. Zhao and N. Aletras (2024). Comparing Explanation Faithfulness between Multilingual and Monolingual Fine-tuned Language Models. NAACL
[pdf] - M. Jin, D. Preoţiuc-Pietro, A. S. Doğruöz and N. Aletras (2024). Who is bragging more online? A large scale analysis of bragging in social media. LREC-COLING
[pdf] - Y. Mu, X. Song K. Bontcheva and N. Aletras (2024). Examining the Limitations of Computational Rumor Detection Models Trained on Static Datasets. LREC-COLING
[pdf] - Y. Mu, B. P. Wu, W. Thorne, A. Robinson, N. Aletras, C. Scarton, K. Bontcheva and X. Song (2024). Navigating Prompt Complexity for Zero-Shot Classification: A Study of Large Language Models in Computational Social Science. LREC-COLING
[pdf] - R. Soun, A. Neerkaje, R. Sawhney, N. Aletras and P. Nakov (2024). RISE: Robust Early-exiting Internal Classifiers for Suicide Risk Evaluation. LREC-COLING
[pdf] - D. Sanchez Villegas, D. Preoţiuc-Pietro and N. Aletras (2024). Improving Multimodal Classification of Social Media Posts by Leveraging Image-Text Auxiliary tasks. EACL Findings
[pdf] - Y. Mu, P. Niu, K. Bontcheva and N. Aletras (2024). Predicting and Analyzing the Popularity of False Rumors in Weibo. Expert Systems with Applications
[pdf] - A. Alajrami, K. Margatina and N. Aletras (2023). Understanding the Role of Input Token Characters in Language Models: How Does Information Loss Affect Performance?. EMNLP
[pdf] - C. Goanta, N. Aletras, I. Chalkidis, S. Ranchordás, G. Spanakis (2023). Regulation and NLP (RegNLP): Taming Large Language Models. EMNLP
[pdf] - H. Xue and N. Aletras (2023). Pit One Against Many: Leveraging Attention-head Embeddings for Parameter-efficient Multi-head Attention. EMNLP Findings
[pdf] - K. Margatina, T. Schick, N. Aletras, J. Dwivedi-Yu (2023). Active Learning Principles for In-Context Learning with Large Language Models. EMNLP Findings
[pdf] - D. Sanchez Villegas, C. Goanta and N. Aletras (2023). A Multimodal Analysis of Influencer Content on Twitter. AACL
🏆 Area Chair Award: Society and NLP
[pdf] - P. Vickers, L. Barrault, E. Monti and N. Aletras (2023). We Need to Talk About Classification Evaluation Metrics in NLP. AACL
[pdf] - Z. Zhao and N. Aletras (2023). Incorporating Attribution Importance for Improving Faithfulness Metrics. ACL
[pdf] - S. Mensah, K. Sun and N. Aletras (2023). Trading Syntax Trees for Wordpieces: Target-oriented Opinion Words Extraction with Wordpieces and Aspect Enhancement. ACL
[pdf] - Y. Feng, Y. Jiao, A. Prasad, N. Aletras, E. Yilmaz and G. Kazai (2023). Schema-guided User Satisfaction Modeling for Task-oriented Dialogues. ACL
[pdf] - K. Margatina and N. Aletras (2023). On the Limitations of Simulating Active Learning. ACL Findings
[pdf] - Z. Shi, F. Tonolini, N. Aletras, E. Yilmaz, G. Kazai and Y. Jiao (2023). Rethinking Semi-supervised Learning with Language Models. ACL Findings
[pdf] - F. Tonolini, N. Aletras, Y. Jiao and G. Kazai (2023). Robust Weak Supervision with Variational Auto-Encoders. ICML
[pdf] - K. Dommett, S. Mensah, J. Zhu, T. Stafford and N. Aletras (2023). Is there a permanent campaign for online political advertising? Investigating partisan and non-party campaign activity in the UK between 2018-2021. Journal of Political Marketing
[pdf] - K. Sun, R. Zhang, S. Mensah, N. Aletras, Y. Mao and X. Liu (2023). Self-training through Classifier Disagreement for Cross-Domain Opinion Target Extraction. WWW
[pdf] - Y. Mu, K. Bontcheva and N. Aletras (2023). It’s about Time: Rethinking Evaluation on Rumor Detection Benchmarks using Chronological Splits. EACL Findings
[pdf] - H. Xue and N. Aletras (2022). HashFormers: Towards Vocabulary-independent Pre-trained Transformers. EMNLP
[pdf] - Z. Zhao, G. Chrysostomou, K. Bontcheva and N. Aletras (2022). On the Impact of Temporal Concept Drift on Model Explanations. EMNLP Findings
[pdf] - M. Li, J. Chen, S. Mensah, N. Aletras, X. Yang and Y. Ye (2022). A Hierarchical N-Gram Framework for Zero-Shot Link Prediction. EMNLP Findings
[pdf] - W. Li and N. Aletras (2022). Improving Graph-Based Text Representations with Character and Word Level N-grams. AACL
[pdf] - T. Bose, N. Aletras, I. Illina and D. Fohr (2022). Domain Classification-based Source-specific Term Penalization for Domain Adaptation in Hate-speech Detection. COLING
[pdf] - X. Ao, D. Sanchez Villegas, D. Preoţiuc-Pietro and N. Aletras (2022). Combining Humor and Sarcasm for Improving Political Parody Detection. NAACL
[pdf] - R. Sawhney, S. Agarwal, A. T. Neerkaje, N. Aletras, P. Nakov and L. Flek (2022). Towards Suicide Ideation Detection Through Online Conversational Context. SIGIR
[pdf] - Y. Mu, P. Niu and N. Aletras (2022). Identifying and Characterizing Active Citizens who Refute Misinformation in Social Media. ACM WebSci
[pdf] - L. Zhang, H. Song, N. Aletras and H. Lu (2022). Node-Feature Convolution for Graph Convolutional Networks. Pattern Recognition
[pdf] - M. Jin, D. Preoţiuc-Pietro, A. S. Doğruöz and N. Aletras (2022). Automatic Identification and Classification of Bragging in Social Media. ACL
[pdf] - G. Chrysostomou and N. Aletras (2022). An Empirical Study on Explanations in Out-of-Domain Settings. ACL
[pdf] - K. Margatina, L. Barrault and N. Aletras (2022). On the Importance of Effectively Adapting Pretrained Language Models for Active Learning. ACL
[pdf] - A. Alajrami and N. Aletras (2022). How does the pre-training objective affect what large language models learn about linguistic properties?. ACL
[pdf] - I. Chalkidis, A. Jana, D. Hartung, M. Bommarito, I. Androutsopoulos, D. M. Katz and N. Aletras (2022). LexGLUE: A Benchmark Dataset for Legal Language Understanding in English. ACL
[pdf] - M. Fomicheva, L. Specia and N. Aletras (2022). Translation Error Detection as Rationale Extraction. ACL Findings
[pdf] - T. Bose, N. Aletras, I. Illina and D. Fohr (2022). Dynamically Refined Regularization for Improving Cross-corpora Hate Speech Detection. ACL Findings
[pdf] - G. Chrysostomou and N. Aletras (2022). Flexible Instance-specific Rationalization of NLP Models. AAAI
[pdf] - K. Margatina, G. Vernikos, L. Barrault and N. Aletras (2021). Active Learning by Acquiring Contrastive Examples. EMNLP
[pdf] - D. Sanchez Villegas and N. Aletras (2021). Point-of-Interest Type Prediction using Text and Images. EMNLP
[pdf] - G. Chrysostomou and N. Aletras (2021). Enjoy the Salience: Towards Better Transformer-based Faithful Explanations with Word Salience. EMNLP
[pdf] - S. Mensah, K. Sun and N. Aletras (2021). An Empirical Study on Leveraging Position Embeddings for Target-oriented Opinion Words Extraction. EMNLP
[pdf] - A. Yamaguchi, G. Chrysostomou, K. Margatina and N. Aletras (2021). Frustratingly Simple Pretraining Alternatives to Masked Language Modeling. EMNLP
[pdf] - G. Chrysostomou and N. Aletras (2021). Improving the Faithfulness of Attention-based Explanations with Task-specific Information for Text Classification. ACL
[pdf] - P. Vickers, N. Aletras, E. Monti and L. Barrault (2021). In Factuality: Efficient Integration of Relevant Facts for Visual Question Answering. ACL
[pdf] - D. Tsarapatsanis and N. Aletras (2021). On the Ethical Limits of Natural Language Processing on Legal Text. ACL Findings
[pdf] - D. Sanchez Villegas, S. Mokaram and N. Aletras (2021). Analyzing Online Political Advertisements. ACL Findings
[pdf] - A. Gajbhiye, M. Fomicheva, F. Alva-Manchego, F. Blain, A. Obamuyide, N. Aletras and L. Specia (2021). Knowledge Distillation for Quality Estimation. ACL Findings
[pdf] - M. Jin and N. Aletras (2021). Modeling the Severity of Complaints in Social Media. NAACL
[pdf] - I. Chalkidis, M. Fregadiotis, D. Tsarapatsanis, N. Aletras, I. Androutsopoulos and P. Malakatsiotis (2021). Paragraph-level Rationale Extraction through Regularization: A case study on European Court of Human Rights Cases. NAACL
[pdf] - M. Fomicheva, S. Sun, L. Yankovskaya, F. Blain, F. Guzman, M. Fishel, N. Aletras, V. Chaudhary and L. Specia (2020). Unsupervised Quality Estimation for Neural Machine Translation. TACL
[pdf] - M. Jin and N. Aletras (2020). Complaint Identification in Social Media with Transformer Networks. COLING
[pdf] - I. Chalkidis, M. Fregadiotis, S. Kotitsas, P. Malakatsiotis, N. Aletras and I. Androutsopoulos (2020). An Empirical Study on Large-Scale Multi-Label Text Classification including Few and Zero-Shot Labels. EMNLP
[pdf] - I. Chalkidis, M. Fregadiotis, P. Malakatsiotis, N. Aletras and I. Androutsopoulos (2020). LEGAL-BERT: The Muppets straight out of Law School. EMNLP Findings
[pdf][pre-trained models] - D. Sanchez Villegas, D. Preoţiuc-Pietro and N. Aletras (2020). Point-of-Interest Type Inference from Social Media Text. AACL
[pdf] - A. Maronikolakis, D. Sanchez Villegas, D. Preoţiuc-Pietro and N. Aletras (2020). Analyzing Political Parody in Social Media. ACL
[pdf][data] - A. Alokaili, N. Aletras and M. Stevenson (2020). Automatic Generation of Topic Labels. SIGIR
[pdf][data and code] - Y. Mu and N. Aletras (2020). Identifying Twitter Users who Repost Unreliable News Sources with Linguistic Information. PeerJ Computer Science
[pdf] - F. Blain, N. Aletras and L. Specia (2020). Quality In, Quality Out: Learning from Actual Mistakes. EAMT
[pdf] - T. Karmakharm, N. Aletras and K. Bontcheva (2019). Journalist-in-the-Loop: Continuous Learning as a Service for Rumour Analysis. EMNLP (demo)
[pdf][demo] - I. Chalkidis, I. Androutsopoulos and N. Aletras (2019). Neural Legal Judgment Prediction in English. ACL
[pdf] - D. Preoţiuc-Pietro, M. Gaman and N. Aletras (2019). Automatically Identifying Complaints in Social Media. ACL
[pdf] - A. Alokaili, N. Aletras and M. Stevenson (2019). Re-Ranking Words to Improve Interpretability of Automatically Generated Topics. IWCS
[pdf] - I. Chalkidis, M. Fregadiotis, P. Malakatsiotis, N. Aletras and I. Androutsopoulos (2019). Extreme Multi-Label Legal Text Classification: A case study in EU Legislation. Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop (NAACL)
[pdf] - A. Tsakalidis, N. Aletras, M. Liakata and A. Cristea (2018). Nowcasting the Stance of Social Media Users in a Sudden Vote: The Case of the Greek Referendum. ACM CIKM
[pdf] - N. Aletras, B. P. Chamberlain (2018). Predicting Twitter User Socioeconomic Attributes with Network and Language Information ACM HyperText
[pdf] - I. Soroduc, J. H. Lau, N. Aletras, T. Baldwin (2017). Multimodal Topic Labelling. EACL
[pdf] - N. Aletras and A. Mittal (2017). Labeling Topics with Images using Neural Networks. ECIR
[pdf] - N. Aletras, T. Baldwin, J. H. Lau and M. Stevenson (2017). Evaluating Topic Representations for Exploring Document Collections. JASIST
[pdf] - N. Aletras, D. Tsarapatsanis, D. Preoţiuc-Pietro and V. Lampos (2016). Predicting Judicial Decisions of the European Court of Human Rights: A Natural Language Processing Perspective, PeerJ Computer Science
[pdf][html][data] - A. Gonzalez-Agirre, G. Rigau, E. Agirre, N. Aletras and M. Stevenson (2016). Why are these similar? Investigating item similarity types in a large Digital Library. JASIST
[pdf] - V. Lampos, N. Aletras, J. K. Geyti, B. Zou, I. J. Cox (2016). Inferring the Socioeconomic Status of Social Media Users based on Behaviour and Language. ECIR
[pdf] - D. Preoţiuc-Pietro, V. Lampos and N. Aletras (2015). An Analysis of the User Occupational Class through Twitter Content. ACL
[pdf] - D. Preoţiuc-Pietro, S. Volkova, V. Lampos, Y. Bachrach, N. Aletras (2015). Studying User Income through Language, Behaviour and Affect in Social Media. PLOS ONE
[pdf][data] - N. Aletras, J. H. Lau, T. Baldwin, M. Stevenson (2015). TM 2015 – Topic Models: Post-Processing and Applications Workshop. ACM CIKM
[pdf] - N. Aletras and M. Stevenson (2015). A Hybrid Distributional and Knowledge-based Model of Lexical Semantics. *SEM
[pdf] - N. Aletras, T. Baldwin, J. H. Lau and M. Stevenson (2014). Representing Topics Labels for Exploring Digital Libraries. IEEE/ACM JCDL
[pdf] - N. Aletras and M. Stevenson (2014). Labelling Topics using Unsupervised Graph-based Methods. ACL
[pdf] - V. Lampos, N. Aletras, D. Preoţiuc-Pietro and T. Cohn (2014). Predicting and Characterising User Impact on Twitter. EACL
[pdf] - N. Aletras and M. Stevenson (2014). Measuring the Similarity between Automatically Generated Topics. EACL
[pdf][data] - N. Aletras and M. Stevenson (2013). Representing Topics Using Images. NAACL-HLT
[pdf][data] - N. Aletras and M. Stevenson (2013). Evaluating Topic Coherence Using Distributional Semantics. IWCS
[pdf][data] - E. Agirre, N. Aletras, A. Gonzalez-Agirre, G. Rigau, M. Stevenson (2013). UBC UOS-TYPED: Regression for typed-similarity. *SEM
[pdf] - E. Agirre, N. Aletras, P. Clough, S. Fernando, P. Goodale, M. Hall, A. Soroa, M. Stevenson (2013). PATHS: A System for Accessing Cultural Heritage Collections. ACL (demo)
[pdf] - N. Aletras, M. Stevenson and P. Clough (2012). Computing Similarity between Items in a Digital Library of Cultural Heritage. ACM JOCCH.
[pdf] - M. Hall, E. Agirre, N. Aletras, R. Bergheim, K. Chandrinos, P. Clough, S. Fernando, K. Fernie, P. Goodale, J. Griffiths, O. Lopez de Lacalle, A. de Polo, A. Soroa and M. Stevenson (2012). PATHS - Exploring Digital Cultural Heritage Spaces. TPDL (demo)
[pdf] - N. Aletras and M. Stevenson (2012). Computing similarity between cultural heritage items using multimodal features. LaTeCH Workshop (ACL)
[pdf] - P. Goodale, P. Clough, N. Ford, M. Hall, M. Stevenson, S. Fernando, N. Aletras, K. Fernie, P. Archer and A. de Polo (2012). User-Centred Design to Support Exploration and Path Creation in Cultural Heritage Collections. EuroHCIR2012 Workshop [pdf]
- N. Aletras (2014). Interpreting Document Collections with Topic Models. PhD Thesis, University of Sheffield [pdf]